On Thursday we had a special Kaupapa Maori Day. First we started with a Mihi Whakatakau and welcomed the children from the junior side to the senior side of the school. We sung waiata and Neve and Sasha shared their mihi on stage! We met with our buddy class Model 2B and learned how to hongi, then the rest of the class shared their mihi. After Charlie said a karakia we shared kai (milk and cookies) with the juniors. After morning tea we made a 3D wharenui with Miss B then we learned how to use rakau with Mrs King. After lunch we watched the Middle Team Kapahaka perform and saw a poi demonstration. We sung lots of our favourite waiata with Mrs Yeoman and said thanks for an awesome day!
On Wednesday we walked to the Otago Museum and took part in a workshop about Maori Art & Music. We listened to legends, looked at lots of amazing carvings, drew sketches and got to hold ancient Maori woodwind instruments. It was a great trip!
Over the last few weeks the children in Room 11 have been very busy writing a 'Moment in Time' to share as a speech. Neve, Rose, Manu and Olive were chosen to go in the Middle Team Speech Semi-finals. They were fantastic and Olive and Rose went into the School Finals on Thursday. Well done to Rose who got second place in the Year 3 speeches!
For a fun activity for homework we tried to think of an animal that starts with every letter of the alphabet. We did it!
Hailee's learning commitment was to bake something special and share it with the class. Hailee made delicious cupcakes and told us how she made them. Thanks Hailee!
Olive has been very busy with her learning commitment. She has been investigating all the great things the SPCA do. She has made her own journal as well as her very own blog. You can look at her blog through the 'Room 11 Links' on our class blog or by clicking here Olive's Blog
Here is a picture of Olive sharing with us and some photos of some of the pages in Olive's journal...
Manu shared his learning commitment with us this week. Manu goes to Judo classes and taught us lots about the sport. He made a powerpoint and shared lots of interesting information. He gave us a demonstration of different falls and we watched a movie of Manu in Judo class. We think Manu is pretty clever!
Here is Elisa's latest research project on bears. I hope you learn a lot of great information from her powerpoint.
Well done to Keziah who has completed her learning commitment goal. Keziah read to the class from one of her favourite books 'The Secret Mermaid - Reef Rescue'. Keep up the great reading Keziah!
Erasmus made some delicious hummus for our shared lunch. He wanted to share the recipe in case you would like to make it.
On Friday we had a special shared lunch to say goodbye to Victoria. Victoria is returning to Ireland with her family. Best wishes Victoria!
Our optional extra this week was to design our own pyjamas. Look at some of the fantastic designs the children came up with.
Today was 'Pyjama Day'. We had lots of fun dressing up in our pjs and coming to school! We brought along lots of different things that could be used for the School Fair in September. It was a great day!
Jo has been very busy researching information for her learning commitment. She made two fantastic powerpoints about 'Tigers' and 'Meerkats' to share with the class. Here they are...
Have you visited our new blog 'The Adventures of Supercat & Superdog'. If not you can check it out here: http://superdogandsupercat.blogspot.co.nz/
Elisa has been busy researching again and has made a second powerpoint to share with the class. This time Elisa taught us all about cats. Super job, Elisa.
Sasha shared her learning commitment with Room 11 today. She has been busy baking Chocolate Chip Cookies. Today Sasha shared her recipe with the class and kindly gave each child a cookie to have with their milk. If you enjoyed Sasha's cookies today and would like to try the recipe for yourself, here it is:
125g Butter
175g Sugar
Vanilla Essence (a few drops)
1 Egg
225g Flour
1t Baking Powder
1C Chocolate Chips
Cream butter, sugar and vanilla essence together. Add the egg, then mix the dry ingredients. Roll into balls. Put them on greased trays and press with a fork. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 190 oC.
Welcome to Miss Sarah Crampton who is a Graduate Student at the Dunedin College of Education/University of Otago. Miss Crampton will have several Monday and Tuesday visits then spend an extended period of time teaching in Room 11 at the end of the term.
Matthew is a huge 'Thunderbirds' fan. For his learning commitment he researched information about 'Thunderbirds' and made a special book full of awesome facts and drawings. He also showed us his Thunderbird toys. Great job, Matthew!
Well done to George, who has finished his learning commitment. George made some delicious coconut ice. He explained how he made it and then we got to eat it. Thanks for the yummy treat George!
Elisa has been working very hard on her learning commitment. She has been researching information about dogs and made a powerpoint to share with the class. Here it is...