Today Elgregoe the Magician came to visit school. He showed us his birds, puppets and heaps of neat magic tricks. He told us that we have the power to stop bullying by treating others nicely and making our school a special place to be.
We had a super cute special visitor to Room 11. Hayley brought along her cute little puppy 'Lollipop' to visit us. Lollipop is a 'Schnoddle', which is a Schnauzer and a Poddle.
This term we have been learning our 3 times table. We have been learning to skip count by singing along with this cool song...
Miss B was very excited and flattered to find out that she had been nominated for 'New Zealand's Most Inspiring Teacher'. Thank you so much to Kezia and Olive for thinking of me and for all the kids and parents who wrote such lovely comments! Check out this website...